The first days of january were a wash out , then it got worse, we took the days we could get to go out, and caught great fish, ELnino weather pattern has sure not helped us, Keep those lines tight
February 2023
The weather has finally come right , and we have been doing a few overnight, and 2 night overnighters at the Mokohinau islands
Great fishing great fun for groups of 5 and 3 crew involved
March 2023
To many fish about we have been fishing out wide where we can
April 2023
Weather has not been good, big north easterlies, we have been fishing Kawau island in shallow , great results but many trips cancelled
May 2023
Weather has been so bad, whats my boat called again, cant remember getting out its so bad, even the crew are saying they prefer there day jobs at this time
June 2023
The days when the weather is good the fishing is magic
July 2023
Never can beat early morning starts, Dolphins wait us each trip just out side the marina, its fantastic
August/ September 2023
Weather in August was just awful, we have started to go back out in September, cold but caught big winter feeding fish, out wide and in shallow
October 2023
.Finally the fish are starting to School up, big workups every where, being a big power cat we can handle alot of fish coming in quickly.
November 2023
..Every day the weather has been awesume, lots of good trips, the bins are full with lots of different fish
December 2023
.The days are full, the crew is working hard and long days, but wow so many great fish, and in close also