Captains Log 2020

 Engine came out and stripped, Volvos got worn out, well done David Smyth and John Imov  for all your big efforts, major job to do this

February 2020

 Great fishing, what a way to start the second part of the season, winning boat on this competition, we are doing well

March 2020

 The fishing is going hot. Boat is running well. We are catching.Last photo before Covid lockdown, we did not see this coming, i dont like being in lockdown, especially 67 good fine days blue skys we missed in a row, damb the government for stopping people going out on there boats, bloody bullshit

April 2020

LOCK DOWN DUE TO COVID – 19  not happy, how stupid we can not go out fishing in Auckland

May 2020

LOCK DOWN DUE TO COVID – 19 we are stuck at home still

June 2020

 Winter fishing is weather dependant. When we have gone out we are catching snapper out by the swiggle zone., again the government is dictating our business

July 2020

 Winter fishing is weather dependant. When we have gone out we are catching good snapper, Bins pretty much full each trip
Big snapper, Big Gurnards, back in to forced lock down once again

August 2020

Great fishing, a few trips out to the barrier.Great fishing, cold nights and Blue skies, lots of great sunsets, and great Hapuka, lucky to be out finally

September 2020

Great fishing, weather getting better, Every trip is a full load of fish, fishing way out wide past little Barrier


October 2020

Getting very filled up for spring fishing. it has been great. Lots of charters and happy customers.


November 2020

Lots of great groups have been going out. Great fish have been caught.


December 2020

Lots of great groups have been going out. Great fish have been caught.